Results for 'Meagan M. Graydon'

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  1.  39
    Scared stiff: The influence of anxiety on the perception of action capabilities.Meagan M. Graydon, Sally A. Linkenauger, Bethany A. Teachman & Dennis R. Proffitt - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (7):1301-1315.
    Influences on the perception of affordances (i.e., opportunities for actions) have been primarily studied by manipulating the functional morphology of the body. However, affordances are not just determined by the functional morphology of the perceiver, but also by the physiological state of the perceiver. States of anxiety have been shown to lead to marked changes in individuals’ physiological state and their behaviour. To assess the influence of emotional state on affordance perception, the perception of action capabilities in near space was (...)
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    Monkey see, monkey do, monkey tell? Exploring the relationship between counterproductive work behavior engagement and the likelihood of reporting others.Meagan Brock Baskin, Melissa L. Gruys, Chase A. Winterberg & M. Suzanne Clinton - 2021 - Ethics and Behavior 31 (7):516-543.
    Existing literature on counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs) has focused on the influence that interpersonal and organizational factors have on predicting said behavior. However, more recent studies have begun to explore the dimensionality of CWB in relation to the likelihood of coworkers reporting coworkers’ CWBs. Likelihood of reporting CWB across various types of CWB, and the relationships between self-reported CWB were assessed across two studies. The studies did so utilizing two different measures of CWB and two different measures of CWB reporting, (...)
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    Development of grouped icEEG for the study of cognitive processing.Cihan M. Kadipasaoglu, Kiefer Forseth, Meagan Whaley, Christopher R. Conner, Matthew J. Rollo, Vatche G. Baboyan & Nitin Tandon - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Association of daily and time-segmented physical activity and sedentary behaviour with mental health of school children and adolescents from rural Northeastern Ontario, Canada.Bruno G. G. da Costa, Brenda Bruner, Graydon H. Raymer, Sara M. Scharoun Benson, Jean-Philippe Chaput, Tara McGoey, Greg Rickwood, Jennifer Robertson-Wilson, Travis J. Saunders & Barbi Law - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Physical activity and sedentary behaviour have been linked to the mental health of children and adolescents, yet the timing of behaviours may play a role in this relationship and clarifying this could inform interventions. We explored cross-sectional associations of PA and SED in varying time segments throughout the school day with the mental health of school-aged children and adolescents from rural Northeastern Ontario, Canada. A total of 161 students wore accelerometers for 8 days and completed a self-report survey. Mental health (...)
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  5. Mind-on-the-drive: real-time functional neuroimaging of cognitive brain mechanisms underlying driver performance and distraction.Richard A. Young, Li Hsieh, Francis X. Graydon, I. I. Richard Genik, Mark D. Benton, Christopher C. Green, Susan M. Bowyer, John E. Moran & Norman Tepley - manuscript
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  6. Sujetting Apocrypha from HOME.Graydon Wetzler - 2019 - Continent 1 (8):155 - 166.
    The promise of defense, and offices like the Defence Sciences Office (DSO) of the Defense Research Projects Agency (DARPA), has underwritten and underwrites many technological narratives, even the technology of narrative itself. Graydon Wetzler attends a series of DARPA meetings where neuroscientists, computer and social scientists develop a "science of story", as a tool in the defense of U.S. international security.
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  7.  81
    Mental models: An alternative evaluation of a sensemaking approach to ethics instruction.Meagan E. Brock, Andrew Vert, Vykinta Kligyte, Ethan P. Waples, Sydney T. Sevier & Michael D. Mumford - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (3):449-472.
    In spite of the wide variety of approaches to ethics training it is still debatable which approach has the highest potential to enhance professionals’ integrity. The current effort assesses a novel curriculum that focuses on metacognitive reasoning strategies researchers use when making sense of day-to-day professional practices that have ethical implications. The evaluated trainings effectiveness was assessed by examining five key sensemaking processes, such as framing, emotion regulation, forecasting, self-reflection, and information integration that experts and novices apply in ethical decision-making. (...)
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    ‘But it's more than a Game. It's an Institution.’ Feminist Perspectives on Sport.Jan Graydon - 1983 - Feminist Review 13 (1):5-16.
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    Quaternionic Quantum Dynamics on Complex Hilbert Spaces.Matthew A. Graydon - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (5):656-664.
    We consider a quaternionic quantum formalism for the description of quantum states and quantum dynamics. We prove that generalized quantum measurements on physical systems in quaternionic quantum theory can be simulated by usual quantum measurements with positive operator valued measures on complex Hilbert spaces. Furthermore, we prove that quaternionic quantum channels can be simulated by completely positive trace preserving maps on complex matrices. These novel results map all quaternionic quantum processes to algorithms in usual quantum information theory.
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    A kerosene summer dress.Graydon Wetzler - 2018 - Technoetic Arts 16 (3):247-258.
    This article combines situational analysis with situationists dérive to weave a seemingly disjointed series of historical tableaux, materialities, marginalia, combustion and corporeal techniques in embryology, chemistry, geology, synthetics and magic. The double locus structuring this constellation is Hilde Proescholdt (1898–1924), a gifted German experimental biologist; and Abraham Gesner (1797–1864), Canadian physician, geologist and inventor of kerosene. Following Adele Clark’s SA research programme, I attend to situational maps recurring the experimental repertoires Gesner and Proescholdt with the material, social and artefactual historicities (...)
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    Wayfinding re/dicto.Graydon Wetzler - 2019 - In Mackay A. Flynn S., Surveillance, Architecture and Control. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 295-324.
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  12.  20
    Subjective norms and social media: predicting ethical perception and consumer intentions during a secondary crisis.Meagan E. Brock Baskin, Timothy A. Hart, Akhilesh Bajaj, R. Nicholas Gerlich, Kristina D. Drumheller & Emily S. Kinsky - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (1):70-88.
    When firms face crisis, the instant and open channels of social media communication create a double-edged sword. While corporations can more quickly communicate with stakeholders, any missteps will have drastic and nearly immediate repercussions. What are the relationships among social media, subjective norms, attitudes, and intentions during corporate crisis? We explore this phenomenon via a study of a crisis faced by Lowe’s, an international home improvement store, and how current and potential customers reacted. By utilizing a structural equations model to (...)
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  13.  31
    Gain-Framed Messaging for Promoting Adult Sport: Examining the Effects of Efficacy-Enhancing Information.Meagan Littlejohn & Bradley William Young - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  14.  44
    Varieties of musical experience.Jamshed J. Bharucha, Meagan Curtis & Kaivon Paroo - 2006 - Cognition 100 (1):131-172.
  15.  81
    Sexual Harassment, Sexual Violence and CSR: Radical Feminist Theory and a Human Rights Perspective.Kate Grosser & Meagan Tyler - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (2):217-232.
    This paper extends Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) scholarship to focus on issues of sexual harassment and sexual violence. Despite a significant body of work on gender and CSR from a variety of feminist perspectives, long-standing evidence of sexual harassment and sexual violence in business, particularly in global value chains, and the rise of the #MeToo movement, there has been little scholarship focused specifically on these issues in the context of CSR. Our conceptual paper addresses this gap in the literature through (...)
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  16.  39
    Affective spectra, synchronization, and motion: Aspects of the emotional response to music.Jamshed J. Bharucha & Meagan Curtis - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):579-579.
    We propose three extensions of the theory developed by Juslin & Vll (J&V). First, motion should be considered as an additional mechanism. Second, synchronization plays a role in eliciting emotion. And, third, the spectrum of musical affect or feelings is denser and broader than the spectrum of emotions, suggesting an expansion of the scope of the theory beyond emotions.
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    Freedom fallacy: the limits of liberal feminism.Miranda Kiraly & Meagan Tyler (eds.) - 2015 - Ballarat, Victoria, Australia: Connor Court Publishing.
    Taking on topics from pornography and prostitution to female genital mutilation, from womens magazines and marriage to sexual violence, contributors in this collection argue that the kind of liberal feminism currently rising to prominence does little to challenge the status quo.
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  18.  15
    Alignment of brain states.Jamshed Bharucha & Meagan Curtis - 2011 - In Patrick Rebuschat, Martin Rohrmeier, John A. Hawkins & Ian Cross, Language and Music as Cognitive Systems. Oxford University Press. pp. 139.
  19.  51
    Beyond “Add Teaching and Learning and Stir”.Stephen Bloch-Schulman & Meagan Carr - 2016 - Teaching Philosophy 39 (1):25-42.
    This article is a critical response to Concepción, Messineo, Wieten, and Homan’s “The State of Teacher Training in Philosophy.” In it, I utilize an epistemologies-of-ignorance framework to highlight the incentives we, as philosophers, have to ignore teaching and learning about teaching and learning. I argue that the problems are not merely about our individual desires, but rather, that there is a regime of ignorance that encourages us not to know. I argue therefore that real change requires more than a shift (...)
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  20.  18
    Intervention Implementation of Tools of the Mind for Preschool Children’s Executive Functioning.Priscilla Goble, Toria Flynn, Cambrian Nauman, Pond Almendarez & Meagan Linstrom - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    One of the more prominent early childhood interventions focused on the development of executive function skills is Tools of the Mind. Intervention studies comparing Tools classrooms with control classrooms, however, reveal inconsistent findings for children’s EF outcomes. The current study utilizes Head Start CARES teachers assigned to the Tools of the Mind enhancement intervention and the children in their classrooms. Relations between teachers’ characteristics, training attendance and implementation, and the interaction among these factors were examined as predictors of classroom-level gains (...)
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  21.  44
    Remembering melodies from another culture: Turkish and American listeners demonstrate implicit knowledge of musical scales.Timothy Justus, Charles Yates, Nart Bedin Atalay, Nazike Mert & Meagan Curtis - 2019 - Analytical Approaches to World Music 7 (1).
    Beyond the major-minor tonality that characterizes classical and contemporary Western musical genres, Turkish classical and folk music offer experimental psychologists a rich modal system in which cognition, development, and enculturation can be studied. Here, we present a cross-cultural experiment concerning implicit knowledge of musical scales. Five groups of participants—American musicians and nonmusicians, Turkish musicians and nonmusicians, and Turkish classical and folk music listeners—were asked to listen to brief melodies composed using the member tones of either the major scale or the (...)
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  22. Reconciling Conceptual Confusions in the Le Monde Debate on Conspiracy Theories, J.C.M. Duetz and M R. X. Dentith.Julia Duetz & M. R. X. Dentith - 2022 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 10 (11):40-50.
    This reply to an ongoing debate between conspiracy theory researchers from different disciplines exposes the conceptual confusions that underlie some of the disagreements in conspiracy theory research. Reconciling these conceptual confusions is important because conspiracy theories are a multidisciplinary topic and a profound understanding of them requires integrative insights from different fields. Specifically, we distinguish research focussing on conspiracy *theories* (and theorizing) from research of conspiracy *belief* (and mindset, theorists) and explain how particularism with regards to conspiracy theories does not (...)
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  23.  79
    Cosmology in antiquity.M. R. Wright - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    Two and a half thousand years ago Greek philosophers "looked up at the sky and formed a theory of everything." Though their solutions are little credited today, the questions remain fresh. Early Greek thinkers struggled to come to terms with and explain the totality of their surroundings, to identitify an original substance from which the universe was compounded, and to reconcile the presence of balance and proportion with the apparent disorder of the cosmos. M. R. Wright examines cosmological theories of (...)
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  24. Sensations, brain-processes, and colours.M. C. Bradley - 1963 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 41 (3):385-93.
  25.  75
    Al-ma'nà: Some Reflections on the Technical Meanings of the Term in the Kal'm and Its Use in the Physics of Mu'ammarAl-ma'na: Some Reflections on the Technical Meanings of the Term in the Kalam and Its Use in the Physics of Mu'ammar.Richard M. Frank - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (3):248.
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  26.  47
    Algebraic Functions.M. Campercholi & D. Vaggione - 2011 - Studia Logica 98 (1-2):285-306.
    Let A be an algebra. We say that the functions f 1 , . . . , f m : A n → A are algebraic on A provided there is a finite system of term-equalities $${{\bigwedge t_{k}(\overline{x}, \overline{z}) = s_{k}(\overline{x}, \overline{z})}}$$ satisfying that for each $${{\overline{a} \in A^{n}}}$$, the m -tuple $${{(f_{1}(\overline{a}), \ldots , f_{m}(\overline{a}))}}$$ is the unique solution in A m to the system $${{\bigwedge t_{k}(\overline{a}, \overline{z}) = s_{k}(\overline{a}, \overline{z})}}$$. In this work we present a collection of general (...)
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  27.  4
    Where is the Cross? On Gillian RoseInterview with J.M. Bernstein.Michael Lazarus & J. M. Bernstein - forthcoming - Thesis Eleven.
    In this interview with Michael Lazarus, Jay Bernstein reflects on the history of his intellectual friendship with Gillian Rose—until her early death, his dearest friend. It was a friendship rooted in a shared passion for Hegel's philosophy as the ground origin and abiding source of Marxist Critical Theory. In the course of the interview, Bernstein comments on the role of speculative propositions in Rose's reading of Hegel; her modernist understanding of the meaning of style even after her critique of Adorno (...)
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    The Mystery of Problems for Modern Theological Methodology.O. P. Bruno M. Shah - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (4):1265-1295.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Mystery of Problems for Modern Theological MethodologyBruno M. Shah O.P.Recent trends in Catholic theology emphasize the category of "mystery." But "problems," which can seem distinct from and even opposed to mysteries, have a constitutive role in the work of theology as well. If the object of faith is God, and if theology's goal is typically defined as "faith seeking understanding," then the object of theology must include the (...)
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  29. (1 other version)Intention and intentionality: essays in honour of G. E. M. Anscombe.G. E. M. Anscombe, Cora Diamond & Jenny Teichman (eds.) - 1957/2000 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
  30.  22
    How to Say No: An Ancient Guide to the Art of Cynicism. Selected, translated, and introduced by M.D. Usher.G. M. Trujillo - 2023 - Ancient Philosophy 43 (2):557-560.
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    Dying Twice: Cultural Interpretations and Social Practices of Organ Transplantation. Review: Lock M. (2002) Twice Dead: Organ Transplants and the Reinvention of Death, Berkeley; Los Angeles: University of California Press.E. S. Bogomiagkova & M. V. Lomonosova - 2017 - Sociology of Power 29 (3):292-303.
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    Making Morality Work By Holly M. Smith.Holly M. Smith - 2022 - Analysis 81 (4):729-731.
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    Fiyat Arttırma ve Negatif Dengeleme Stratejileri Ekseninde Çin’in Körfez ve Suudi Arabistan Siyaseti.Hüsna Taş Yeti̇m - 2023 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 18 (1):182-205.
    Çin, son dönemlerde Körfez Bölgesine yönelik izlediği aktif politika, Çin Devlet Başkanı Xi Jipping’in (Şi Cinping), 7-9 Aralık 2022 tarihinde Körfez’e gerçekleştirdiği kapsamlı ziyaretle birlikte daha fazla dinamizm kazanmıştır. Bu ziyareti takiben yapılan analizler Çin’in, Körfez açılımını ABD’nin bölgesel hegemonyasını zayıflatmaya yönelik bir girişim olarak değerlendirmektedirler. Aynı ziyaret sırasında Pekin ve Riyad yönetimleri arasında imzalanan kapsamlı anlaşmalar ise ABD’nin Körfezdeki uzun erimli güvenlik partneri Suudi Arabistan’a ilişkin “eksen kayması” tartışmalarını başlattı. Bu çalışma güncelliğini koruyan iki tartışmanın kapsamlı bir muhakemesini yapmayı (...)
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  34. Concepto humanista de la historia.M. H. Alberti & Juan B. Justo (eds.) - 1966 - Buenos Aires,: Ediciones Líbera.
    Juan B. Justo en la historia y el pensamiento argentinos, por A. Solari.--Teoría y práctica de la historia, por M. H. Alberti.--La base biológica de la historia, por F. Escardó.--La técnica, por A. Justo.--La economía, por R. Bogliolo.--La guerra, por A. G. Rodríguez.--La política, por A. Ghioldi.--La lucha de ciases, por R. Mondolfo.--El salariado, por M. Palacín.--Las formas típicas del privilegio, por J. L. Pena.--El gremialismo proletario, por E. Frugoni.--La cooperación libre, por N. Repetto.--La democracia obrera, por L. Pan.--La religión, (...)
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  35.  12
    al-Dahrīyah: ʻatabah fī al-mafhūm wa-al-āthār.ʻAbd al-Karīm & Nādir ibn ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz - 2016 - al-Riyāḍ: Markaz Dalāʼil.
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  36. Thoughts From Amiels' 'Journal Intime' [Ed. By A.M.P.].Henri Frédéric Amiel & M. P. A. - 1903
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  37.  70
    Zettel: Edited by G. E. M. Anscombe and G. H. Von Wright. Translated by G. E. M. Anscombe.G. E. M. Anscombe & G. H. von Wright (eds.) - 1967 - Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
    _Zettel, _ an en face bilingual edition, collects fragments from Wittgenstein's work between 1929 and 1948 on issues of the mind, mathematics, and language.
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  38.  47
    Edward Gibbon, 1737-1794. D. M. Low.M. Ashley-Montagu - 1938 - Isis 28 (2):477-478.
  39.  30
    The Three Near-Death Experiences of P.M.H. Atwater.P. M. H. Atwater - 2020 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 10 (1):E13-E15.
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  40. New trends in the economic systems management in the context of modern global challenges.M. Bezpartochnyi, I. Britchenko, O. Bezpartochna, R. Dmuchowski, S. Szmitka, O. Shevchenko, M. Artman, P. Jarosz, V. Kubičková, M. Čukanová, D. Benešová, R. Narkūnienė, R. Bražulienė, T. Németh, M. Hegedűs, M. Borowska, B. Cherniavskyi, R. Vazov, M. Lalakulych, N. Tsenkler, N. Štangová, A. Víghová, P. Havrylko, T. Hushtan, V. Petrenko, A. Karnaushenko, A. Sokolovskа, O. Tymchenko, O. Dragan, L. Tertychna, N. Rybak, R. Pidlypna, M. Kovach, K. Indus, O. Sydorchuk, A. Kolodiychuk, V. Kuranovic, O. Nosachenko, M. Baldzhy, K. Andriushchenko, K. Teteruk, E. Yuhas, L. Rybakova, E. Mikelsone, T. Volkova, A. Spilbergs, E. Liela, J. Frisfelds, M. Kurleto, I. Vlasenko & S. Gyrych (eds.) - 2020 - Sofia: VUZF Publishing House “St. Grigorii Bogoslov”.
    New trends in the economic systems management in the context of modern global challenges: collective monograph / scientific edited by M. Bezpartochnyi, in 2 Vol. // VUZF University of Finance, Business and Entrepreneurship. – Sofia: VUZF Publishing House “St. Grigorii Bogoslov”, 2020. – Vol. 1. – 309 p.
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  41.  55
    The Revelation of Deity. By J. E. Turner, M.A., PH.D. (London: Allen and Unwin Ltd.1931. Pp. 223.Price 8s. 6d. net.).B. M. Laing - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (25):89-.
  42.  10
    Mens en recht: essays tussen rechtstheorie en rechtspraktijk : liber amicorum J.M. Broekman.Jan M. Broekman & Frank Fleerackers - 1997 - Peeters Pub & Booksellers.
    Wat is de plaats van het recht in de samenleving? Hoe fungeert het juridisch discours? Wie is de mens van het recht? Waartoe leiden de semantische transformaties die het recht tot een eigen discours maken? Hoe gaat de maatschappij met het juridisch discours om? Hoe verhoudt het rechtsbeleid zich tot de rechtswetenschap? Hoe verhouden de verschillende vakgebieden binnen het recht zich tot elkaar? Deze en andere vragen tussen rechtsfilosofie, rechtstheorie en rechtspraktijk worden in een collectie wetenschappelijke teksten geconfronteerd met kritische (...)
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    Can Democracy Promote the General Welfare?: JAMES M. BUCHANAN.James M. Buchanan - 1997 - Social Philosophy and Policy 14 (2):165-179.
    To commence any answer to the question “Can democracy promote the general welfare?” requires attention to the meaning of “general welfare.” If this term is drained of all significance by being defined as “whatever the political decision process determines it to be,” then there is no content to the question. The meaning of the term can be restored only by classifying possible outcomes of democratic political processes into two sets – those that are general in application over all citizens and (...)
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  44.  41
    Bibliography of Fr. Philotheus Boehner, O. F. M.Eligius M. Buytaert - 1955 - Franciscan Studies 15 (3):321-331.
  45.  30
    Johannes Duns Scotus by Odulf Schäfer, O. F. M.Eligius M. Buytaert - 1953 - Franciscan Studies 13 (4):136-137.
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    Joannes Duns Scotus Doctor Immaculatae Conceptionis, 1.—Textus Auctoris By Carolus Balič, O. F. M.E. M. Buytaert - 1955 - Franciscan Studies 15 (1):93-93.
  47.  36
    La nature de la théologie d'après Melchior Cano by Eugène Marcotte, O.M.J.E. M. Buytaert - 1954 - Franciscan Studies 14 (2):222-222.
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    Dienysii Byzantii Anaplus Bospori. By R. Güngerlch. Pp. lxxvi + 45. Berlin : Weidmann, 1927. M. 8.W. M. Calder - 1929 - The Classical Review 43 (06):238-.
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    The Nature of Knowing. By R. I. Aaron M.A., D.Phil. (London: Williams & Norgate Ltd. 1930. Pp. 154. Price 7s. 6d.).C. E. M. Joad - 1930 - Philosophy 5 (19):474-.
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    Le Christ Rédempteur d'après Saint Antoine de Padoue By P. Ferdinand Coiteux, O. F. M.Juniper M. Cummings - 1956 - Franciscan Studies 16 (4):409-409.
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